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About WAIS and High Range IQ Test.

About WAIS

Question: When the IQ score differs between WAIS and High Range IQ test, which is correct?

I often receive such questions.

Let me jump to the conclusion. both are correct.

It is a matter, of course, that different results will result because "measuring ability" is different.

The main purpose of WAIS, a medical IQ test, is to find developmental disorders and to indicate the degree of adaptation to living in society as a numerical value. The test content has been prepared to aim "to measure the intelligence needed in social life diversely", and various questions are prepared.

Consistently it contents considering the influence on social life, and high-quality questions are prepared.

I think we can measure most of the intellectual ability needed in social life only by this test.


On the other hand, the High Range IQ test measures "high" reasoning ability.

I think this is close to the ability to accurately detect the keystone and common law from less information. I think that it is the intelligence required in fields requiring advanced logical thinking such as research.

Measurement of this ability is not the main purpose of WAIS and it can not be measured in a short time (however, it takes about 2 hours in total in WAIS).
So I think that it is better to use High Range IQ test as an enhancement of WAIS.


In other words, it is a test that extended to one of the lower inspection items and made it measurable to the high range.

WAIS also have inspections to measure inference abilities, but as the inspection approaches the ceiling (measurement limit) the accuracy decays. In order to accurately measure the "high" reasoning ability, it is necessary to conduct a dedicated inspection with a high measurement range.

Currently, I am developing KAIS as a link between WAIS and High Range IQ test. I would appreciate it if you cooperate with development.

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