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S.A.M. Light
Spatial Aptitude Measurement Test  Light
Release August 2016.Created by Naoki Kouda.

Every correct answer is simple and clear.

You may use any kind of reference material you see fit, but please work alone.

Please do not share, or publish your answers at any time with any other person.
Also, publish or link this test is forbidden.

You can send only one solution for each item.
A minimum of 15 hours is suggested for solving "S.A.M. Light".

There are no half points.
All items have been already solved.

Submission Guideline


Two attempts are allowed.
The first attempt is official and IQ is reported.

The second is unofficial,IQ is not reported.
The payments are handled via Paypal using the options below.
​The scoring costs 29 Euros for each submission.

Your score report will normally be received within 72 hours, excluding weekends.

You have to include the following in each answerset you submit.
1) Full name
2) Age & Sex
3) Solutions
4) Evidence of ID with photo
5) All prior I.Q. scores  (test name, I.Q. sd15)

your name, photo, age, and nationality must be clearly visible.
The remaining data could be masked.

If you are unable to complete the payment due to any restrictions on PayPal, please send me an email. I will issue an invoice from my PayPal account, which usually resolves the issue.


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